24 de maio de 2006

World Hold On

Palavras para kê!! Simplesmente a bombar todos os dias na rádio... uma grande música, principalmente quando é "cantada" com os amigos a caminho de uma noite de queima das fitas... e dps se tem o prazer de a ouvir em todas as barraquinhas!! K saudades e inda só passaram 2 semanas.. ;-P Este Verão, esta música vai ter muitas histórias para contar!!

World Hold On - Bob Sinclair

Open up your heart, what do you feel/ Open up your heart, what do you feel is real

The big bang may be a million years away/ But I can’t think of a better time to say

World, hold on/ Instead of messing with our future, open up inside/ World, hold on/ Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky

World, hold on/ Instead of messing with our future/Tell me no more lies/ World, hold on/ Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky

Children of the sky.../ Children of the sky...

Look inside, you’ll find a deeper love/ The kind that only comes from high above

If you ever meet your inner child, don’t cry/ Tell them everything is gonna be alright

World, hold on/ Instead of messing with our future, open up inside/ World, hold on/ Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky

World, hold on/ Come one, everybody in the universe, come on/ World, hold on/ Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky/ Children of the sky...

Open up your heart/ Tell me, how do you feel/ Listen now, tell them everything, right here right now/ Alright, everybody, here in the world/ You are all the children...Together now, unite, and fight... oooh

Open up you heart, no, peace, love for everyone/ Oh, no no no no no, alright, to the four corners of the world/ Sing it loud, sing it loud, sing it loud loud loud/ world hold on on

Sing it loud, sing it proud/ Everybody, yeah yeah yeah yeah, oooh/ Don’t take no for an answer, no no, not today/ Right here, spread love, everybody join together now

One , one heart, love and unity, everybody sing/ yeah!

World, hold on/ Come one, everybody in the universe, come on/ World, hold on/ Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky

World, hold on/ Come one, everybody in the universe, come on/ World, hold on/ Wonder you will have to answer to the children of the sky

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